ramgharia bunga at harmandir sahib

The Bungas have a special significance in Sikh history. Whenever Sikh devotees and Maharajas (emperors) came to pay obeisance in Amritsar, they used to stay in those Bungas. Tribune correspondent Charanjit Singh Teja along with lensman Sunil Kumar toured some famous Bungas in the holy city, some of these still existing over the decades or a century or two Bungas, a string of residential accommodations around the Golden Temple Complex, had a special significance in Sikh history as they provided space to Sikh warriors, traditional educationists, musicians, medicine practitioners (vaids) and other religious practices during the 18th and 19th centuries. Though the Bungas started coming up during Guru Period, Misl chiefs and royals of Khalsa Raj contributed a lot to raise Bungas around Darbar Sahib. A large number of Bungas belong to saints, sangat of some particular area, clergy of Darbar Sahib and head of seminaries, scholars and medical petitioners (Vaids). There were some Bungas which were built by caste-based communities such as Ramgharia (carpenters) and Bungha Mahzabian or jharukashan (sweepers). These were 84 (number varies in various sources) Bungas built along the circumambience of the Darbar Sahib complex.

some pictures of RAMGHARIA BUNGA





history of ramgharia bunga

During the reign of the Muslim Mughal Emperors, The Golden Temple was damaged many times, but each time it was rebuilt by the Sikhs. Sardars of the 12 Sikh Misls decided that some of the Khalsa leaders must be housed inside it for its protection against their enemies. According to Fenech and McLeod, during the 18th century, Sikh misl chiefs and rich communities built over 70 such Bungas of different shapes and forms around the Golden Temple to watch the area, house soldiers and defend the temple. Such Bungas were also built near major Sikh shrines elsewhere on the Indian subcontinent in the 18th-century. In the 19th century, these served defensive purposes, provided accommodation for Sikh pilgrims and some served as centers of learning. Most of the Bungas were demolished during and after the British colonial era, often to improve the facilities for growing number of pilgrims in the 20th-century. The Ramgarhia Bunga is single surviving example of the Bunga-related historic infrastructure in Amritsar, along with Akal Takht which originally was built as the Akal Bunga on the other side of holy tank. Ramgarhia misl chief Jassa Singh Ramgarhia had conquered territory as far afield as Delhi, where he removed the slab from the Takht-e-Taus on which the Mughal coronation ceremonies were held. He brought the slab to Amritsar and placed it in the Ramgarhia Bunga where it still lies.


Architecture: Ramgarhia Bunga consists of three flat-roofed ranges, each of two principal storeys, arranged round three sides of a courtyard and is constructed almost of small burnt bricks (Nanakshahi) set in lime and mud mortar. The colonnade and the triple arches are of red sandstone. The undersides of the vaults and all the walls were finished internally and externally with lime plaster and lime wash, much of it decorative with arches. Lower levels are approached by two flights of steps, one from outside and the other from within the courtyard.

Renovation: The original domes on the minarets were damaged and then removed in 1903 because of an earthquake. The minarets were again heavily damaged by Indian artillery fire during Operation Blue Star in 1984, but later renovated by the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee and the Ramgarhia Society Sardar Jassa Singh Ramgarhia Federation. Later, some Babas of Kar Sewawale had done colossal damage to the heritage site by converting a portion into their abode. There are also plans to convert basement of bunga to Sikh museum.

ramgharia bunga

who made ramgharia bunga

Jassa Singh Ramgarhia (1723 - 1803) was a prominent Sikh leader during the period of the Sikh Confederacy. He became the Misldar (Chief/Leader) of the Ramgarhia Army (misl). This period was an interlude, lasting roughly from the time of the death of Banda Singh Bahadur in 1716 to the founding of the Sikh Empire in 1801. The period is also sometimes described as the Age of the Misls. Jassa Singh Ramgarhia is not to be confused with Jassa Singh Ahluwalia; both were prominent Misldars of separate powerful Sikh army groups, called Misls. Ramgarhia's father was called Giani Bhagwan Singh.
Early Life Ramgarhia was born Jassa Singh Thoka at Ichogil village in 1723, near the city of Amritsar into a Tarkhan family of the Sehmi Clan. His grandfather, Baba Hardas Singh was a resident of Sur Singh, a large village in the Lahore district. He took Pahul (the Sikh baptismal oath) from the hands of Guru Gobind Singh, the initiator of the Pahul tradition who bestowed the original Panj Piares. Giving up his work as a ploughman, he became one of the Guru's personal attendants. Baba Hardas Singh was only five years old when Guru Tegh Bahadur and his three brave companions bravely faced their tortuous executions in defence of the threatened Hindu Pandits of Kashmir, in Chandi Chowk at the order of Aurangzeb


ਕੋਟੀ ਹੂ ਪੀਰ ਵਰਜਿ ਰਹਾਝ ਜਾ ਮੀਰ੝ ਸ੝ਣਿਆ ਧਾਇਆ ॥
ਥਾਨ ਮ੝ਕਾਮ ਜਲੇ ਬਿਜ ਮੰਦਰ ਮ੝ਛਿ ਮ੝ਛਿ ਕ੝ਇਰ ਰ੝ਲਾਇਆ ॥
ਕੋਈ ਮ੝ਗਲ੝ ਨ ਹੋਆ ਅੰਧਾ ਕਿਨੈ ਨ ਪਰਚਾ ਲਾਇਆ ॥੪॥
ਹ੝ਕਮੀ ਹ੝ਕਮਿ ਚਲਾਝ ਵਿਗਸੈ ਨਾਨਕ ਲਿਖਿਆ ਪਾਈਝ ॥੭॥੧੨॥